Thursday 23 April 2020

Film Review

1.What is the title of the film? Fast and Furious: Hobbs and Shaw. 2.Who is the director? David Leitch. 3.Who is the screenwriter? Chris Morgan. 4.Where does the action take place? The action take place in London, LA, Moscou and Samoa. 5.When does the action take place? Present 6.Which genere os the film? is an action film. 7.Who are the main characters? Hobbs and Shaw. 8.Describe two characters in the film. Hobbs is from an island called Samoa, he is tall, bald and has tattoos, he is always dressed in tight shirts instead Shaw is from London, he is shorter he is also bald he always wears a suit and does not have any tattoos. VOCABULARY:Write four words from the film and... 9.Write a definition in English. Snowflate, street fighter, wisdon,home. 10.Translate then into Catalan. Snowflate:floc de neu, street fighter:lluita de carrer, wisdon:saviesa, ghos:fantasma. 11.Snowflate:Snowflake is a deadly virus, street fighter:n a street fight the street always wins, wisdon:the human is wiser than the machines, ghost:it's a living ghost

Friday 17 April 2020


Banksy is an anonymous artist known worldwide. It's graffiti is very famous in London but there are many other places such as Los Angeles. The work is a graffiti a child who cries. Above her head is a social media likes counter. He has zero likes and zero comments. Banksy use the colors orange and white on the counter and the child is black and white, the shirt is green. The child is crying and screaming angry because he hasn't friends on social networks. I like it because it's very expressive and is a critic of society. If you are not famous on social networks you are nobody. This graffiti could be called " the distressed child".

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Fornite vs Apex vs Pubg

Apex has better graphics than Pubg. Pubg is more real than Fornite and Apex. Pubg is more expensive than Fornite and Apex. Fornite is less bloody than Apex and Pubg. Pubg is the oldest. Fornite is the most famous. Apex is the most interactive. Pubg is the worst.

Tuesday 29 October 2019


I'm Blai, this is the bedroom of my dreams, it's called"ALONE IN THE SPACE".

On the roof, there are many stars, all the planets and the moon.

My bed is very large and confortable.In my bedroom there are some Funko-Pops and a computer with a gigant screen, There isn't a sofa or a extinguisher.

My favorite thing in the room is the ligthing with leds.

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